SBO '17

Evangelists Participation Total: 89

Houston, TX hosts Super Bowl LI February 5th, 2017.  This is the official symbol.  
Pictures from last year in San Francisco: SBO ’16.

Sports Fan Outreach Int’l will be in Houston February 2 – 5 lifting up the name of Jesus Christ. Pray about joining us.

Accommodations: Camp Holy Wild.

Cost: $375 per person. The cost covers your accommodations including seven meals plus transportation to and from the airport and daily ministry locations from Thursday evening to Sunday evening.

Additional items: Wednesday and Sunday night stay at Camp Holy Wild are available. The cost is $30 per person per night. Meals are not included. You indicate your desire to stay those nights by paying for the night you want.

Airport: Fly into George Bush International Airport (IAH). It’s only 20 minutes from the camp.

Evangelism Training: This will take place Thursday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. SBO Team Leader and Founder of Gospel of God Ministries is conducting the training. For details visit this page: SBO Evangelism Training.

SBO ’17 Team Leaders: Team Leaders.

SBO ’17 Evangelists: Evangelists.

SBO ’17 Speakers: Speakers.


Thursday, February 2

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Evangelism Training [this is in addition to the SBO].

Noon – 5:00 PM: Registration

5:00 PM: Dinner:

6:00 PM: Welcome

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Speakers

Friday & Saturday, February 3 & 4

7:00 AM Prayer

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Speakers.

     Friday: Dr. Duncan Rankin.

     Saturday: Pastor David Dykstra.

Noon – 8:00 PM Ministry in downtown Houston

Sunday, February 5

6:00 AM Prayer

7:00 AM Breakfast

7:30 – 9:30 Speaker: Dr. Alex Gonzales.

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Ministry at NRG Stadium and downtown Houston

Payment information and page.  

  1. You must pay the $50 deposit to be officially registered. Select “Deposit” option. Deposits are non-refundable.
  2.  You can pay the entire amount now. Select “Super Bowl Outreach LI Before Nov. 1, 2016” option.
  3.  All payments must be received in full by December 31st, 2016.
  4. No payments are refundable after December 31st, 2016
SFOI Payments

Team Leaders & Speakers

image of Bill Adams sports outreach

Bill Adams is the Director of the Super Bowl Outreach and also the Chief Evangelist and Overseer for Sports Fan Outreach International. You can contact Bill at: or 866-646-5683. Bill has evangelized at the last 21 Super Bowls and led the Super Bowl Outreach since 2009.

Al Baker – Birmingham, AL

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Pastor Baker is ordained in the PCA and has been in the ministry for over 30 years. A graduate of the University of Alabama, he received his M.Div. degree from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS.

His ministry is in Birmingham, AL serving in many areas as an Evangelist with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship (PEF) and as Director of the Alabama Church Planting Network (ACPN). He is also the author of Revival Prayer: A Needed Paradigm Shift in Today’s Church.

Prior to this he was Senior Pastor at Christ Community in Harftord, CT; Senior Pastor of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church for 10 years. Al has been actively involved in foreign missions to Central America, Africa, The British Isles, Asia and the Far East.

Al and his wife, Wini, have been married 40 years and have three grown children, Andrew, Allen and Jeff, and nine precious grandchildren.

George Alvarado Cheyenne, WY

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Before I was genuinely saved on January 11th, 2004, I was falsely converted 8 times. I was like the majority of people in western Churches today. I made many decisions to be a Christian, but none of them were a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. After I was regenerated through repentance and faith, I had received orders to move to England since I am enlisted in the United States military. Being newly married, in a new country, and a new convert was quite a shock for my wife and I, but that is one of the ways God rapidly grew me.

Being stationed in England was both wonderful and trying. I immediately began to share my faith with my co-workers, family, friends, and strangers on the streets of Newmarket, Cambridge, and anywhere else I could tell someone about Christ. The trying part was the immense amount of opposition I faced from both believers and unbelievers when I preached the biblical gospel. It was Hell’s Best Kept Secret that boosted my understanding, but praise God that it was already natural for me to evangelize. And it was two years later, after my salvation, that I was overcome with conviction to preach in the open air. And that calling has gripped my heart ever since!

During my time overseas, God allowed me to preach as a Sunday school teacher for ages 12 and under, inside military confinement facilities, during worship services, as well faithfully preach in the streets of Cambridge on a regular basis. It was through the ministry in Cambridge that I was able to equip and train aspiring open-air preachers and saints for the work of the gospel. Afterwards, I received orders to return to the U.S. where I have continued this work and have been able to preach in many cities and public events. Since my return, I have also had the privilege to author a book, write blogs, record internet-radio podcasts, work with church plants, meet with other open-air preachers, and organize evangelism outreaches. Not to mention that God has blessed me with the incredible experience to serve 15 years now in our nation’s military, and be a witness to men & women of power as well as men of low estate.

This will be the second time I have attended Super Bowl Outreach, but the first time as a team leader. I am honored to receive this responsibility and am praying for the gospel to bring revival to the city of Houston for Super Bowl 2017.

Brad Snow – Los Angeles, CA

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Even though I grew up going to church it wasn’t till by God’s grace I was saved back in August 2000 through faith in Jesus Christ. It was not long after my conversion that I met and started to work with Ray Comfort. Through the ministry of Living Waters I learned how to reach out and share the gospel. I then found other believers who also wanted to intentionally share the gospel. We open-air preached, spoke to people one on one and handed out countless number of gospel tracts. After spending several years of being active in street ministry in Oklahoma and Texas I eventually moved out to Southern California where I work in house at Living Waters. The same ministry that had been so equipping to me to be a witness for Christ. Currently I go out Friday nights with my church to share the gospel one on one at an outdoor shopping area in Orange, CA. My family and I also go Saturday mornings to reach out with the gospel outside of an abortion mill in Riverside, CA.

This will be my 5th Super Bowl Outreach and my first opportunity to lead a team at this outreach. I have lead past teams at other evangelism outreach events such as the Ambassador Academies that Living Waters hosted. Even after several years of going to various evangelism outreach events and intentionally meeting people each week to share the good news, I still struggle with fear and hesitancy to speak. But I keep going in spite of my fears and ignore my feelings of hesitancies.

I have been married to my wife for over 25 years and we have 5 children. We have 4 girls and 1 boy. My boy Nathan (20) is our oldest and the girls are Megan (18), Morgan (18), Jordan (9), and Lauran (5). Two of our children are special needs which was an unexpected plan of God that has stretched us and blessed us. Not just our immediate family but even to many who know us.  

Tommy Waltz – Raleigh, NC

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I grew up in a family with no religious background. The leaders in my life were alcoholics and loved pornography, so this was my influence. I was born a twin. While I was in the womb, my position did not allow my right side to develop properly. I entered the world partially paralyzed and developed a speech impediment when I started talking. In the fourth grade I was diagnosed with a learning and reading disability. I was picked on a lot in school and was told that I was slow and dumb. During my late teenage years my father told me that I was not going to work on his farm because of my slow comprehension. I found work in Columbia, South Carolina as a personal trainer and my idol became my body. I also joined several rock bands. With my last band we produced a CD and toured the Southeast. This life was from the pits of hell. The longer I lived, the more I hated my life. I had no purpose, no meaning, and no direction.

At the age of twenty-three, a lady invited me to a play on the life of Jesus. It explained His life from birth to His resurrection. This was the start of the whole transformation. I didn’t give my life to Christ that night. I continued running for a year. As I read God’s word, deeper conviction of sin grew. I was on the verge of taking my life, but through God’s grace He spared my life. The night I was going to take my life I found a card in my room from a person that reminded me of Jesus’ love for me. Turning to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, I repented and placed my faith in Jesus that night in my room. My view of life is simple – Jesus died and came out of the grave for me, so I have to live for Him.

My Jesus found me broken on my bedroom floor not wanting to live anymore. Oh, how can I not share His Glorious Name? He has taken a slow, crippled boy off a farm in South Carolina and given him new life. I type this with tears in my eyes. I am a man who is blessed beyond measure with an amazing wife who has believed in me from day one and three amazing girls.

May we all boast together in what Jesus Christ has done in all of our lives. We serve an amazing God. He saved us and now He deserves our entire lives.

I have had the opportunity to lead a ministry called Gospel of God Ministries since 2009. GGM preaches and teaches the Gospel until faith becomes action.

The faith has a twofold action. First, it is pulling the unbeliever into the kingdom through repentance and faith in Jesus. Second, it is pushing the believer out into the world to share their faith. Find out more at

This will be my fifth SBO with New Orleans, New York, Phoenix, and San Francisco under my belt by God’s grace. I look forward to leading my team alongside the other leaders at next year’s SBO. Go and proclaim the Gospel to see a life transformed!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

Mark Yoho – Sugar Valley, GA

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Mark was raised in a non-Christian home in Canton Ohio with a little exposure to Roman Catholicism. Upon Graduation from High school in 1983 he served 3 years active duty military in the US Army. Shortly after discharge, the Nation being in an economic recession, Mark moved to the Atlanta Georgia area seeking employment.

There he met the love of his life and they lived together for 10 years. Through alcohol, drugs, and the pursuit of personal wealth Mark suffered the loss of family and all of his possessions. It was during this time that Mark walked into Newtown Baptist Church in Calhoun GA and heard Pastor David Ray preach a sermon titled, “You must be born again.” As soon as the invitation was given Mark met Pastor Ray in the altar where he repented of sin and trusted CHRIST as his personal Savior. On March 29, 1998 Mark Yoho was born again and life began to radically change. Mark began to share his newfound faith in CHRIST immediately and continued to make it a lifestyle.

Seven months later GOD restored his relationship with the love of his life, he and Gynnette were finally and forever married. Four years later, February 17, 2002, GOD called Mark to preach as an evangelist. As an evangelist Mark has traveled all across the US conducting evangelistic outreaches, teaching evangelism, and preaching revivals. Much of the evangelistic outreaches have been in the inner city and at major events. Since December 1, 2007 Mark has served GOD as a full time vocational evangelist in his own ministry, the Fourth Watch Evangelistic Ministry

Mark and Gynnette live in the little community of Sugar Valley, nestled in the mountains of North Georgia. They have two married children and two grandchildren. Their home church is Sugar Valley Baptist Church in Sugar Valley, GA. 

Heath Pucel – Green Bay, WI

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Heath grew up in church and was a false convert for much of his life. Having made a profession of faith at age 5 and though I was saved lived my life with very little change for holiness. Made several dedications after worldly sorrow but not true change of heart. Yet even in my false conversion and learning on works righteousness had a passion for studying and teaching God’s word.


In 2003, the Lord through his mercy brought Heath to repentance in faith through Jesus Christ and lit a fire for evangelism as well as continuing to use his gift of teaching for the Lord.


Heath has a passion to teach and preach the word of God through various means as an evangelist, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, itinerant preacher.


Heath is a lifelong learner having studied with Liberty home Bible institute, and currently in the process of completing a certificate in Biblical Counseling through Biblical Counseling Institute under the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Since 2017, Heath has been a participant an ardent supporter of the Simeon Trust Workshops on Bible Expositions. He has a passion for and encouraging others to commit to expository preaching, which has transformed his open air and pulpit preaching.


In 2018, Heath collaborated with as the lead trainer and founder of providing easy, affordable and transformative training using WordSearch Bible software to study, teach and preach the Bible more effectively. However, after Wordsearch was acquired by another software program in 2020, was closed.


In 2020, with the passion talents and gifts provided by God in teaching and studying Gods word; Heath trained the 2020 GWP with the Simeon Trust model of the first principles in Bible Exposition. He has continued partnering with SFOI to provide Open Air Preaching Bible Exposition workshops encouraging preachers to commit in expository preaching in the Open air and train them to make progress in in that commitment.

Joe Hinson – Denton, TX

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I have been married for going on 20 years to Missy. We’ve been together since high school. We have 2 sons, Seth 14 and Ben 10. We live in Denton Texas about an hour north of Dallas.

I lived as a false convert for several years until around 10 years ago when by God’s grace I came into contact with Ray Comfort’s “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” and “True and False Conversion”. The first message helped me to truly understand the Gospel and the second revealed my complete absence of Faith in said Gospel.

Currently my family and I are making preparations to relocate to the Provo Utah area to Lord willing be a part of disciples being made and see churches being planted.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Andy Schmelzer – Bandon, OR

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Andy grew up Catholic but at a very young age knew something was missing. As a teen, siblings shared the good news in an ask Jesus in your heart kind of way. This he embraced and lived as a false convert until the Lord granted him repentance about the age of 35. He and his wife learned biblical evangelism in 2004 stumbling across WOTM TV show. Since then evangelism for them was forever changed.

He with his wife started Fishers of Men Medical Ministries and did overseas evangelical/medical missions from 2003-2011 and has since then focused on local evangelism in their immediate area and around the US. He looks forward to serving Bill and the team members that the Lord will put together through prayer at the upcoming SBO. This will be Andy’s 11th SBO and 6th time as a team leader.   

Now that Andy and Victoria have moved back to Oregon residing in Bandon, the UofO will be Andy’s weekly fishing hole this the fall as well as the Wednesday local farmers market and festivals. May God rise up more laborers to join the harvest. 

Bobby McCreery Douglasville, GA

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Bobby is the husband of an excellent, devoted, and prayerful wife and father of three wonderful daughters and one son. Bobby was raised in a Christian home, and around age 8 prayed a “sinner’s prayer” and was told if he meant it then he was saved and would always be saved. He walked in darkness loving his sin for over 20 years until God granted him true repentance and faith and made him a new creation in Christ in January of 2009. Glory to God alone!

Bobby attended Living Waters’ Ambassador’s Academy in August 2009 and is also grateful to God for the mentoring he has received from experienced evangelists around the world. He has also had the privilege of speaking and/or leading outreach teams at events like The Kentucky Derby, Fall for Greenville, London’s 2012 Summer Olympics, Wimbledon 2013, and several local churches to name a few.

Bobby is the founder of To the End of the Earth ministries and left his secular job to respond to the Lord’s call to full-time evangelistic service in January 2011.

His main mission fields are the Atlanta and Douglasville, GA areas, where he preaches on the campuses of the University of West Georgia, Georgia Tech, Georgia State University, at a nearby abortion clinic, and anywhere else people can be found.

He holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

His great desire is to by the grace of God is to honor Christ by loving his wife and children first while serving, encouraging, and equipping the local church. Bobby also works closely with Sports Fan Outreach International and Revival USA. 

Dennis Vance – Springfield, MO

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I am Dennis Vance and I live in Springfield, MO. God has blessed me with my godly wife – Polly. I grew up going to church and I said the sinner’s prayer when I was 11 years old. But there was no change in my life after I asked Jesus to save me. I lived as a false convert for the next 33 years until God graciously saved me while reading the Bible in the Fall of 2007. He convicted me with Matthew 7:21-23 and then He converted me with Romans 8:1 when He revealed to me that for all those years I had still lived in the flesh instead of walking with Christ in the Spirit. Immediately I repented and put my faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Thank You Lord for saving me!

Then in the beginning of 2009 God convicted me that I needed to share my faith in Jesus with others. I didn’t know how to share the Gospel until a Christian co-worker loaned me the first season of Way of the Master and after the second episode I was on the phone ordering tracts. I’ve been street witnessing ever since. There is no greater privilege or honor than lifting up the name of Jesus Christ in the open-air. My hope and prayer is that God will allow me to do this kingdom work until the day I die.


First Name Last Name City State
Mike Anderson Forney TX
Steve Bauer Gill CO
Dorothy Boyett Lubbock TX
Bryan Braddy Forest NC
Zack Braddy Wake Forest NC
Tim Brown Galesburg IL
Aaron Brummit Springfield MO
Daniel Buboltz Fuquay Varina NC
David Buboltz Fuquay Varina NC
Alex Burt Bethlehem GA
Taylor Callen Tampa FL
Joseph Carmichael Montgomery AL
Jamie Clark Lexington SC
Gerry Collins Bakersfield CA
Joe Conkle Perrysville OH
Zachary Cordell Clovis NM
Caleb Davenport Wooster OH
Arnold Davtyan Glendale CA
Matt De Jesus Tempe AZ
Simon Demirjian Glendale CA
Ryan Denton Lubbock TX
Matthew Duggins Burlington NC
Dave Dunbar Plano TX
Nick Dylewsky Phoenix AZ
Peter Firth Wake Forest NC
Bryson Frix Adairsville GA
First Name Last Name City State
Rick Garland Bakersfield CA
Peter Garon Bakersfield CA
Robert Gray Hampton VA
Jamie Hall Longs SC
Paul Harvey Madison AL
John Hedberg
Patrick Hegarty Fort Collins CO
Reginald Hickman Nashville TN
Ken Hisle Normal IL
Justin Hoffman East Peoria IL
Kris Hudson Yukon OK
Paul Johnson Kingston TN
Jerry Jones Carthage TX
Sean Keefe Raleigh NC
Richard Kellar Bogalusa LA
Eric Killianski Madison AL
Frank Lyman Fairfax VA
Lucas Mann Clinton SC
Warren Marquardt Polk City FL
Jason McGough Loris SC
Stephen Morris Knightdale NC
Mike Peek Whitehouse TX
Jarred Petroff Fort Collins CO
Scott Phillips* Jefferson GA
Dr. Duncan Rankin Radford VA
Seth Richardson Rougemont NC
First Name Last Name City State
Paul Roepnack Cary NC
Frank Rollberg Muscle Shoals AL
Ed Romine Kansas City MO
Jaycen Saab Mount Clare WV
Tom Sadowski Denton TX
Peter Salas Monroe GA
Jeff Sauricki Summerville SC
Bill Schank Cottage Grove MN
Mark Sharman Fort Collins CO
Jim Shaw Brunswick GA
Scott Smith Raleigh NC
Jay Snead Sevierville TN
Steven Stanley Morehead KY
Andrew Stone Calhoun GA
Larry Sullivan Tuscaloosa AL
Mark Sumpter Richmond TX
Brad Tower Fairfax IA
Joe Toy Kittrell NC
Mark Underwood Rome GA
Aaron Urbanski Joshua TX
Heath Walraven Calhoun GA
Jerry Wing Fort Worth TX
Jeff Warner Bull Shoals AR
Ken White Prosperity SC
Zoe White Baton Rouge LA
Brian Wilson Springfield MO
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