What is happening
The George Whitefield Program for full-time evangelists is conducting its annual Fellowship Conference the week of June 16 - 20, 2025, near Chattanooga, TN, USA. Workshops are offered on expository preaching and transitioning into full-time evangelism.
To apply, contact Bill Adams at either: bill@sfoi.org, CA@sfoi.org or (905) 315-6832 and then complete the registration page noting whether you are participating in Track #1 or #2. If you are interested in joining the GWP discuss this with Bill.
The two tracks:
Track #1: Transition to Vocational Evangelism
Fundraising, administrative, audience & scheduling:
Again, the training is for men who believe they are called to or are considering the work of preaching Christ in the open air. This is not training in evangelism, that training is conducted through Sports Fan Outreach Int'l events, rather this is training for the administrative and personal aspects of ministry.
To register to attend click on this link and when asked for the event you are attending type: George Whitefield Program – Track #1: Register.
Track #2: Keep Your Finger In The Text (KYFITT) Bible Exposition Workshop:
To register for the homiletics KYFITT Bible Exposition track training visit this page and enter “George Whitefield Program – Track #2” when asked for the event you are attending: Register.
Scheduled Teachers
Track #1 - Administrative
Bill Adams: Overseer of SFOI.org and Trustee for SFOI.CA.
This is the big picture of Bill's Track #1 teaching: Get Organized.
Bill’s teaching topics include:
Audio message: It's not about the money.
Audio message: Reordering Your Schedule.
Track #2: Sermon Preparation
Heath Pucel: is as an evangelist at Fishermen’s Call and the instructor of the "Keep Your Finger in the Text" (KYFITT) workshops for SFOI. This year Heath is teaching Biblical Theology in preaching.
The workshop focus this year will be on "Persuasion & Rhetoric."
Communicating a Biblical text is as crucial as understanding it. We often neglect spending time on this aspect of our preaching.
We will work on sermon preparation and preaching:
Each participant will apply the principles in the workshop through text and preaching assignments.
Heath describes the goal of his teaching:
"The commitment of studying biblical passages is crucial for faithful exposition in preaching and teaching scripture. It requires a commitment to diligent and thorough examination of the text and a willingness to engage in the hard work rather than relying on the interpretations of others, study notes and commentaries. Although these are useful, they should not be our first resources for study. This approach provides a path to practical, persuasive, powerful preaching. It guards against the pitfalls of misinterpreting or mishandling scripture in order to fit personal beliefs, agendas and theological frameworks. By carefully studying and interpreting the Bible, we discover and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word so we can apply its teachings to our lives first, which leads to preach and teach with greater accuracy and effectiveness."
Keep Your Fingers In The Text sessions with Heath Pucel:
“Bill’s goal with SFOI and the GWP has been to mobilize the next generation of George Whitefield’s. This goal combined with KYFITT provide a powerful remedy of faithful heralds of the King, rightly proclaiming His word and living a life fully and totally committed to prayer, study and preaching the word."
Biblical Theology plays a crucial role in preaching, as it seeks to uncover the overarching themes, concepts, and purposes of Scripture and how it points to Christ. By understanding the overarching themes and motifs in the grand narrative of the Bible, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the continuity of God's message across different books, authors, and genres.
This helps us interpret and connect various passages and themes across the entirety of the Bible, allowing us to present a holistic view of God's character, his plan of salvation, and our role in his story.
Additionally, grounding our preaching in a solid Biblical Theology foundation can help avoid theological errors and pitfalls which diminish exalting Christ and showcase a greater, deeper Gospel connection to those we preach to.
Event Info
Conference Location: TBA
Dates: June 16 - June 20, '25.
Conference Schedule:
The time slots are the same for both tracks. Both tracks come together for the “Evening Session” which is a joint worship service.
Note: Families are invited to attend the evening sessions.
Monday, June 16
Tuesday, June 17 – Thursday, June 19
Friday, June 20
Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:
Accommodation: TBA
Address: TBA
Note: Participants bringing their families need to organize their own accommodation.
Meals: Includes 8 meals.
Note: For men bringing their families the extra cost is meals. Meals are $40 / person for 4 evening meals.
Airport Pickup: Yes, forward your itinerary to info@sfoi.org
Travel: Book Your Travel
New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner.
You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.
Visit Hotel Planner on this link: https://sfoi.hotelplanner.com
Registration info:
Who can attend: This event is for men only.
Payment Deadline: June 2 (2 weeks prior to event)
DonorBox Payment Link: GWP Payments
Extra : Consider this week like a camp meeting with training. This means there’s plenty of praying and preaching mixed with training. Men are encouraged to bring their families. There will be activities for the families during the training times.
Next steps:
Please pray daily for the Chattanooga Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
H & E Publishing - a Canadian evangelical publishing company located out of Peterborough, Ontario; Restoration House - church in Swift Current; ShareWord Global - ShareWord Global shares the good news of Jesus Christ with the whole world, not just by being evangelists, but by mobilizing evangelists;
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry:
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