SBO '16

Evangelists Participation Total:  87

Super Bowl Outreach ’16 is here! Pictures from last year in Phoenix: SBO ’15 .

The game is being hosted by the San Francisco 49ers. Their stadium is in San Jose and the NFL Experience is in San Francisco. This means Friday and Saturday ministry will be in San Francisco and Sunday’s will be in San Jose at Levi’s Stadium .

A new development is Super Bowl City in San Francisco. This is the name of the event where the streets will be flowing with fans.

SBO ’16 Team Leaders: Team Leaders.

SBO ’16 Evangelists: Evangelists.

Super Bowl Outreach 2016 Details

February 4 (Thursday) – February 7 (Sunday)

Additional training offered on Feb. 3 – 4. Click for details.

Accommodations :

Salvation Army facility at Redwood Glen.



The $325 includes accommodations, meals and transportation to and from the airport to the camp and to and from the camp to respective ministry locations. Wednesday and Sunday night stay is available for $30 extra per person per night.


February 4th (Thursday)

12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Registration

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Speaker: SBO ’16 Team Leaders Teaching the Book of Romans

February 5th (Friday)

7:00 AM Prayer

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Speaker: Dr. Scott Keith

Noon – 8:00 PM Ministry in downtown San Francisco.

February 6th (Saturday)

7:00 AM Prayer

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Speaker: Dr. Jim Renihan.

Noon – 8:00 PM Ministry in downtown San Francisco.

February 7th (Sunday)

5:00 AM Prayer

6:00 AM Breakfast

7:30 AM Depart for ministry locations

9:30 AM – 3:30 PM Ministry at Levy Stadium & downtown San Francisco.

Team Leaders


  • Zack Braddy
  • Michael Coughlin
  • Rick Garland
  • Ken Hisle
  • Bobby McCreery
  • Jason McGough
  • Ed Romine
  • Andy Schmelzer
  • Brad Snow
  • Tommy Waltz



Dr. Scott Keith
1517. The Legacy Project Contributor

Dr. Keith will speak about Melanchthon’s view of the Law and Gospel.

Dr. Scott Keith
Dr. Scott Keith holds a Ph.D. (Foundation House / Oxford) in Systematic Theology where he was honored to study under Dr. James A. Nestingen (Luther Seminary, Emeritus) and Dr. Robin Gibbons (Kellogg College, Oxford). His research focused on the doctrine of good works in Philip Melanchthon’s 1535 edition of the Loci communes theologici. Currently, he holds the position of Associate Dean of Student Affairs where he manages the department of Residential Education. Scott also serves as Adjunct Professor of Theology at Concordia University, Irvine. At Concordia University, Scott teaches: Theology in Contemporary Culture, Core Theology, Freshman Seminar, and Student Leadership Seminar. Dr. Keith also is the Director of Operations and Scholarship for 1517 the Legacy Project.

To date, Scott has published several articles and book chapters that examine various aspects of the theology of Philip Melanchthon, as well as articles and book chapters on a Lutheran approach to Student Affairs, and an article on the ethics of tuition based theological education systems. His forthcoming book, Being a Dad – The Redemptive Magic in a Father’s Love, examines the theology of fatherhood and the father’s apologetic potential in the home. He is a weekly contributor to The Jagged Word and a regular contributor to 1517 the Legacy Project.

Dr. Keith has been married for twenty-one years to the love of his life, Joyce Lynn Clare Keith. They have three wonderful children, of whom they are very proud: Caleb Emerson Keith (20), Joshua Theodore Keith (18), and Autumn Whitney Grace Keith (15).

Dr. James Renihan
Dean of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies

Dr. James Renihan will speak about divine impassibility.

Dr. James Renihan
Dr. James M. Renihan is Professor of Historical Theology and Dean of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies. His primary task is to lecture on subjects related to Theology, Church History and Pastoral Theology, helping to prepare men for ordination in Reformed Baptist churches. He spends time with the students to pray with and encourage them, and helps to organize their internships. He is responsible for academic affairs at IRBS, and coordinates all relations with Westminster Seminary California. In addition, he travels to represent IRBS both in North America and around the world. He has preached in many churches and has taught modular courses at other theological institutions in Canada, Ukraine, Zambia, the Philippines and New Zealand. Dr. Renihan works closely with the IRBS Board of Trustees in all matters of policy.

Jim was born in Worcester, Massachusetts and came to faith in Christ when he was fifteen years old. His wife Lynne grew up in the church where Jim heard the gospel. They were baptized on the same day and have been married for thirty-five years. They have five children who all follow Christ, and six grandchildren. Jim was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1984 and has served as pastor of churches in New York, Massachusetts and California. In 1998 he was called to serve as the first professor and dean of IRBS and has lived in Escondido, CA ever since. He is presently one of the pastors of Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Vista, CA. In 2012, two of his sons graduated from IRBS/WSC and have since been ordained to the Gospel Ministry and serve in ARBCA churches.

Team Leaders

image of Bill Adams sports outreach

Bill Adams is the Director of the Super Bowl Outreach and also the Chief Evangelist and Overseer for Sports Fan Outreach International. You can contact Bill at: or 866-646-5683. Bill has evangelized at the last 21 Super Bowls and led the Super Bowl Outreach since 2009.

Zack Braddy –Wake Forest, NC

image of Zack Braddy sports outreach

My name is Zack Braddy. I am 34 years old. I live in Wake Forest, NC. I have been married for 11 years to my beautiful wife, Kim, and I have 4 children: Halie (9), Peyton (6), Lucas (5), and Ava (1). I work for Wells Fargo in Real Estate Technical Services. I came to know Jesus Christ 14 years ago at East Carolina University through the campus ministry of Campus Crusade. I have been privileged to go on several mission trips making Jesus known, including two summer projects with Crusade, and several trips to Europe, Africa, and southeast Asia.

I became passionate about street evangelism and reaching the lost in this way in 2008, largely due to the ministry of LIving Waters and Ray Comfort. I have attended a couple of Ambassador’s Academies, and upon returning home to Raleigh from those trips, have begun to open air preach on a weekly basis at a local abortion clinic. I also frequent a local university in my area, and enjoy preaching Jesus at the local parades and other events. I love to workout, play sports, go to the beach, and spend time with my family. This will be my 2nd Super Bowl outreach.

Michael Coughlin – Columbus, OH

image of  sports outreach

Michael Coughlin lives near Columbus, OH, and leads local outreaches to glorify our Lord and reach the lost with the gospel. Michael’s joys are spending time with his dear wife and children, programming computers, and studying and discussing God’s Word. He is a member of Covenant Bible Church in Pickerington.

Rick Garland – Bakersfield, CA

image of  sports outreach

My name is Rick Garland. I married my wife Amy in 2013 and we care for 2 foster children. I have been open air preaching since 2012.

In 2016 my church commissioned me as a missionary to minister on the streets as well as the prisons of California. My ministry is Lighthouse Gospel Ministries and my website is

In the prisons I preach Bible study and evangelistic chapels, provide Bible's and Christian books for inmates as well as disciple men in Christian living. 

Ken Hisle – Bloomington, Ill

image of  sports outreach

My name is Ken Hisle and I live in Bloomington, Illinois. I have been married to my wife Dee for 24 years and my life’s passion is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this lost world. I have been doing open air preaching and street evangelism for about 7 years. I live minutes from Illinois State University and have joined with other men and women locally to do outreach in our community.

I have been blessed to attend the Ambassador’s Academy twice (#12 & #18), the Super Bowl Outreach in 2013, 2014 & 2015, Revival Preacher Training 2013, the Kentucky Derby 2013, 2014 & 2015 and Fall for Greenville 2012 and 2013.

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been traveling to Chicago with the Chicago Evangelism Team (you can find us on Facebook) at least once per month and we are beginning to travel to other large cities within a few hours of us (St. Louis, Indianapolis). I am currently a self-employed contractor and one day hope to be doing full time evangelism…Lord willing!

Bobby McCreery – Douglasville, GA

image of  sports outreach

Bobby is the husband of an excellent, devoted, and prayerful wife and father of three wonderful daughters and one son. Bobby was raised in a Christian home, and around age 8 prayed a “sinner’s prayer” and was told if he meant it then he was saved and would always be saved. He walked in darkness loving his sin for over 20 years until God granted him true repentance and faith and made him a new creation in Christ in January of 2009. Glory to God alone!

Bobby attended Living Waters’ Ambassador’s Academy in August 2009 and is also grateful to God for the mentoring he has received from experienced evangelists around the world. He has also had the privilege of speaking and/or leading outreach teams at events like The Kentucky Derby, Fall for Greenville, London’s 2012 Summer Olympics, Wimbledon 2013, and several local churches to name a few.

Bobby is the founder of To the End of the Earth ministries and left his secular job to respond to the Lord’s call to full-time evangelistic service in January 2011.

His main mission fields are the Atlanta and Douglasville, GA areas, where he preaches on the campuses of the University of West Georgia, Georgia Tech, Georgia State University, at a nearby abortion clinic, and anywhere else people can be found.

He holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

His great desire is to by the grace of God is to honor Christ by loving his wife and children first while serving, encouraging, and equipping the local church. Bobby also works closely with Sports Fan Outreach International and Revival USA.

Jason McGough – Loris, SC

image of  sports outreach

My name is Jason McGough. I am originally from Massachusetts. I have been married for 12 years to my lovely bride Missy. I have 4 children. Morgan (19), Jayce (10) Lillie (7), and Knox (1). And now one grandchild. Kennedy (6 mos).

I served in the U.S. Navy for 5 years aboard the submarine USS Miami (SSN-755) otherwise known as the “Big Gun” as a Mess Specialist (Cook). I departed the military in 2003 and moved to where I now call home, South Carolina. I began work at the outback Steakhouse as a grill cook and at that time met my beautiful bride, who was a server, Missy McGough. After hearing the Gospel and Christ regenerated my heart a year after meeting Missy, we were joined together in marriage and began our life together as one.

For about 8 years we immersed ourselves into a local Baptist church right down the road from where we lived and served in children’s ministry and choir singing. About 4 years ago a friend reached out to me about a local street ministry opportunity in Myrtle Beach. I had felt a burning desire to tell others about Christ, so this was my chance. After that night, I began to minister in the streets and joined my 1st outreach with a large group at the Fall for Greenville festival in 2013. After attending this outreach, I was introduced to SFOI and the SBO by a friend, and now this will be my 5th Super Bowl. My 2nd as Co-Director and 3rd as an unofficial Team Leader.


It has been a great pleasure serving with SFOI for the past 5 years as a student and helping hand to the ministry. I have met so many wonderful saints and look forward to serving more and more until the Lord returns or calls me home! Soli Deo Gloria.

Ed Romine – Fort Worth, TX

image of  sports outreach

I live in Fort Worth, Texas. God saved me from His holy wrath and my sins in 2006. I have been active in street evangelism since 2013. I love preaching God’s good news both on the streets and in the pulpit. I am an active member of Rock Creek Baptist Church in Crowley, Texas. I am under the authority of this local body. My ministry would not be possible without Rock Creek. I have been blessed to street preach and evangelize in Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New York. I fully support SFOI in its ministry endeavors.

I have served with Brother Bill Adams in two Superbowl outreaches (NYC and Phoenix) and one final four outreach (Dallas). I currently am pursuing my MDiv at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a concentration in Greek and Hebrew.. I’m looking to graduate in May 2016.

Andy Schmelzer – Bandon, OR

image of  sports outreach

Andy grew up Catholic but at a very young age knew something was missing. As a teen, siblings shared the good news in an ask Jesus in your heart kind of way. This he embraced and lived as a false convert until the Lord granted him repentance about the age of 35. He and his wife learned biblical evangelism in 2004 stumbling across WOTM TV show. Since then evangelism for them was forever changed.

He with his wife started Fishers of Men Medical Ministries and did overseas evangelical/medical missions from 2003-2011 and has since then focused on local evangelism in their immediate area and around the US. He looks forward to serving Bill and the team members that the Lord will put together through prayer at the upcoming SBO. This will be Andy’s 11th SBO and 6th time as a team leader.   

Now that Andy and Victoria have moved back to Oregon residing in Bandon, the UofO will be Andy’s weekly fishing hole this the fall as well as the Wednesday local farmers market and festivals. May God rise up more laborers to join the harvest. 

Brad Snow – Los Angeles, CA

image of  sports outreach

Even though I grew up going to church it wasn’t till by God’s grace I was saved back in August 2000 through faith in Jesus Christ. It was not long after my conversion that I met and started to work with Ray Comfort. Through the ministry of Living Waters I learned how to reach out and share the gospel. I then found other believers who also wanted to intentionally share the gospel. We open-air preached, spoke to people one on one and handed out countless number of gospel tracts. After spending several years of being active in street ministry in Oklahoma and Texas I eventually moved out to Southern California where I work in house at Living Waters. The same ministry that had been so equipping to me to be a witness for Christ. Currently I go out Friday nights with my church to share the gospel one on one at an outdoor shopping area in Orange, CA. My family and I also go Saturday mornings to reach out with the gospel outside of an abortion mill in Riverside, CA.

This will be my 5th Super Bowl Outreach and my first opportunity to lead a team at this outreach. I have lead past teams at other evangelism outreach events such as the Ambassador Academies that Living Waters hosted. Even after several years of going to various evangelism outreach events and intentionally meeting people each week to share the good news, I still struggle with fear and hesitancy to speak. But I keep going in spite of my fears and ignore my feelings of hesitancies.

I have been married to my wife for over 25 years and we have 5 children. We have 4 girls and 1 boy. My boy Nathan (20) is our oldest and the girls are Megan (18), Morgan (18), Jordan (9), and Lauran (5). Two of our children are special needs which was an unexpected plan of God that has stretched us and blessed us. Not just our immediate family but even to many who know us.  

Tommy Waltz – Raleigh, NC

image of  sports outreach

I grew up in a family with no religious background. The leaders in my life were alcoholics and loved pornography, so this was my influence. I was born a twin. While I was in the womb, my position did not allow my right side to develop properly. I entered the world partially paralyzed and developed a speech impediment when I started talking. In the fourth grade I was diagnosed with a learning and reading disability. I was picked on a lot in school and was told that I was slow and dumb. During my late teenage years my father told me that I was not going to work on his farm because of my slow comprehension. I found work in Columbia, South Carolina as a personal trainer and my idol became my body. I also joined several rock bands. With my last band we produced a CD and toured the Southeast. This life was from the pits of hell. The longer I lived, the more I hated my life. I had no purpose, no meaning, and no direction.

At the age of twenty-three, a lady invited me to a play on the life of Jesus. It explained His life from birth to His resurrection. This was the start of the whole transformation. I didn’t give my life to Christ that night. I continued running for a year. As I read God’s word, deeper conviction of sin grew. I was on the verge of taking my life, but through God’s grace He spared my life. The night I was going to take my life I found a card in my room from a person that reminded me of Jesus’ love for me. Turning to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, I repented and placed my faith in Jesus that night in my room. My view of life is simple – Jesus died and came out of the grave for me, so I have to live for Him.

My Jesus found me broken on my bedroom floor not wanting to live anymore. Oh, how can I not share His Glorious Name? He has taken a slow, crippled boy off a farm in South Carolina and given him new life. I type this with tears in my eyes. I am a man who is blessed beyond measure with an amazing wife who has believed in me from day one and three amazing girls.

May we all boast together in what Jesus Christ has done in all of our lives. We serve an amazing God. He saved us and now He deserves our entire lives.

I have had the opportunity to lead a ministry called Gospel of God Ministries since 2009. GGM preaches and teaches the Gospel until faith becomes action.

The faith has a twofold action. First, it is pulling the unbeliever into the kingdom through repentance and faith in Jesus. Second, it is pushing the believer out into the world to share their faith. Find out more at

This will be my fifth SBO with New Orleans, New York, Phoenix, and San Francisco under my belt by God’s grace. I look forward to leading my team alongside the other leaders at next year’s SBO. Go and proclaim the Gospel to see a life transformed!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16


John Arnita - Matamoras, PA

Dorothy Boyett - Lubbock, TX

Bryan Braddy - Forest, NC

Darryl Bradford - Southfield, MI

Angela Braxton - Brooklyn, NY

David Buboltz - Fuquay Varina, NC

Joseph Bunny - Chatsworth, CA

Saad Bunny - Granada, CA

Alex Burt - Bethlehem, GA

Taylor Callen - Tampa, FL

Gerry Collins - Bakersfield, CA

 Joe Conkle - Perrysville, OH

Anthony Cox - Phoenix, AZ

Caleb Davenport - Wooster, OH

Danny Davis - Ardmore, AL

Paul Davis - Redding, CA

Arnold Davtyan - Glendale, CA

Matt De Jesus - Tempe, AZ

Simon Demirjian - Glendale, CA

Ryan Denton - Lubbock, TX

Matthew Duggins - Burlington, NC

Hector Garcia - Gold Hill, OR

Kevin Garcia - Whittier, CA

Peter Garon - Bakersfield, CA

Albert Gomez - Tolleson, AZ

Mason Goodknight - Roseburg, OR

Kurtis Gould - Pickerington, OH

Paul Harvey - Madison, AL

Joe Hinson - Denton, TX

Justin Hoffman - East Peoria, IL

Kris Hudson - Yukon, OK

Paul Johnson - Kingston, TN

Caise Jones - Fort Worth, TX

Sean Keefe - Raleigh, NC

Scott Keith - San Clemente, CA

Michael Kelshaw - Albuquerque, NM

Christopher Ledezma - Reynoldsburgh, OH

Joshua Ledezma - Whittier, CA

Joseph Lewis - Jenks, OK

Frank Lyman - Fairfax, VA

Warren Marquardt - Polk City, FL

Mark, Robby & Ricky Mayberry - Riddle, OR

Freddy Molina - Raleigh, NC

George Moore - St. George, SC

Stephen Morris - Knightdale, NC

Jim Peter - Roseburg, OR

George Petrella - Philadelphia, PA

Jarred Petroff - Fort Collins, CO

Scott Phillips* - Jefferson, GA

Heath Pucel - Green Bay, WI

John Rataczak - Toledo, OH

James Renihan - Mansfield, TX

Joshua Richards - Belle Center, OH

Ed Rivera - Oviedo, FL

Nathan Roberts - Monterey, CA

Paul Roepnack - Cary, NC

Tom Sadowski - Denton, TX

Peter Salas - Monroe, GA

Jeff Sauricki - Summerville, SC

Bill Schank - Cottage Grove, MN

Duane Schneider - Oakfield, WI

Med Skeens - Surprise, AZ

Rick Skeens - Surprise, AZ

Ed Smith - Anthem, AZ

Scott Smith - Raleigh, NC

Jay Snead - Sevierville, TN

Steven Stanley - Morehead, KY

Greg Stephens - Garner, NC

Larry Sullivan - Tuscaloosa, AL

Brad Tower - Fairfax, IA

Jared Valdanbrini - Surprise, AZ

Anthony Varon - Dunn, NC

Alex Waddell - Stamford, CT

Jeff Warner - Bull Shoals, AR

Jerry Wing - Fort Worth, TX

Ryan Woodhouse - Stoddard, WI

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