SFOI is offering theological studies through it’s partnership with Third Millennium Ministries.

Third Mill offers two paths: one where you take the classes you want and the second is through their online seminary.  The material for both programs is Masters Level but with the Seminary there is more reading and writing.

To enroll in the non-seminary program click here and follow the directions below:

#1 Create an account on the left hand side of the screen.

#2 You will receive a confirmation email after you enroll.

#3 Follow the instructions in the email.

#4 Then select the course under “Available Courses” like ‘Apostles Creed’ and click on the name.

#5 Then on the left side of the page under “Administration” block click on ‘Enroll me in this course’.

#6 Then click on the “Enroll Me” blue box in the center of the page and down half a page.

Here’s an example of a two year study plan: IIIM Recommended Order of Study.

Here’s options for Academic Credit: Academic Credit.

To Enroll in the Seminary visit: https://www.thirdmillseminary.org/ and then click the "Apply Now" button.
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