What is happening
The Montreal Grand Prix is being held on June 13 - 15. Lord willing SFOI will be there and is looking for 7 evangelists to join the team.
If you are a present open air Gospel preacher or want to begin, pray about joining the Team for these 3 days of prayer, fellowship and 6 - 8 hours per day of ministry to fans and local citizens.
If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.
Event Info
Location of Event: Montreal, Canada
Event Leader: Bill Adams
Speaker(s): TBA
Dates: June 13 - 15, 2024 [arrive the evening of the 12th so we can begin early with prayer on the morning of the 13th and depart anytime after the race begins on the 15th]
Schedule: Official Schedule
Ministry Location(s): TBA
Ministry Schedule:
Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:
Accommodations: TBA.
Check In: TBA.
Check out: TBA.
Meals: Not included.
Airport pickup: Yes.
Travel: Book Your Travel
New feature: book your flights; car rental, etc. via SFOI's partnership with Hotel Planner.
You can also call: 888-973-5987 to check for unpublished airfare rates.
Visit Hotel Planner on this link:
Registration info:
Who can attend: This event is for men only.
Cost of the trip: TBA
Payment Deadline: May 30 (2 weeks prior to event)
DonorBox Payment Link: MF1.
Next steps:
Please pray daily for the Montreal, Quebec Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Digital Exhibitors:
H & E Publishing - a Canadian evangelical publishing company located out of Peterborough, Ontario; Restoration House - church in Swift Current; ShareWord Global - ShareWord Global shares the good news of Jesus Christ with the whole world, not just by being evangelists, but by mobilizing evangelists; Reformed Book Services
bookstore in Brantford. -- purchase your Waterproof Bible at the SFOI store here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):
If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry:
Game Summary - 2024
Brad Madewell (left) preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
People gathering while race cars are being transported in front of our ministry location. Lord-willing they are also able to hear our sermons.
Our preaching location. A lot of foot traffic because this is where the racing cars get transported.
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